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Learn more about the benefits of advertising on MetropoleParis.com

What is Metropole Paris  
For over 6 years, Francophiles and sophisticated travelers read Metropole Paris internet web site to collect information and enjoy more France. Every day, lot of users build Metropole Paris reputations.

- between 18,000 and 24,000 unique visitors a month
- more than 100,000 pages view a month
- 60% US
- meetings in Paris

Who should advertise on Metropole Paris
Any company selling travel and leisure related products and services and more specifically:
   - Travel related companies: TO, airlines companies,

   - Companies offering French and European products: books ...
   - Companies willing to increase their brand recognition and business with sophisticated people.

Packages terms and conditions
- 120x60 pixels banners: $10 CPM
- 468x60 pixels banners: $15 CPM

All advertising programs need final approval by Metropole Paris.
Capricorn is the exclusive advertising agency in the English pages.
Capricorn is the only advertising agency which focuses on people traveling to France. Capricorn is based in New York City since 1999.

Interested in advertising on Metropole Paris
Please call 1 (917) 534 0402, or send an email (metropole@netcapricorn.com) or answer this short online form and a consultant will contact you within 24 hours to discuss your advertising needs.

You can also directly contact Cyril Toullier: toullier@netcapricorn.com

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